Put garlic on your wrist and see what happens
Garlic is not only an excellent addition to dishes but also considered a remedy. If you know how to use it ...

Raw garlic boosts the immune system, cleanses the blood, alleviates symptoms of anemia, has a beneficial effect on kidney ailments, urinary tract infections, and also improves appetite. So, if you're on a weight loss diet, pay attention to it.

Garlic is not recommended for those suffering from allergies.

To make the most of garlic, there are at least two effective methods.

Method 1
In the morning, put a clove of garlic in your mouth and try to keep it there as long as possible. The active ingredients will dissolve in saliva and spread throughout the body during this time. The downside, of course, is bad breath...

Method 2
Slice the garlic and place it on the inner side of your wrist. Cover it with gauze and keep the compress on for at least 2 hours (it can also be longer). Through the wrist, all the healthy substances from garlic will quickly enter the body and bloodstream, and the effects will be much greater than if you were to eat garlic. When garlic goes through the digestive tract, its potency is considerably reduced due to digestive juices, so the method of placing garlic on the wrist is much more practical. Plus, it doesn't leave you with bad breath.

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